Almost 30% of all people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year are Veterans of the U.S. military. Due to their great sacrifices and service, Veterans may be entitled to compensation from the Veterans Administration (VA) if they can show that they were exposed to asbestos while serving in the Armed Forces. If you are a U.S. Veteran and have mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation.
MRHFM proudly helps mesothelioma victims and their families file a VA disability claim (and other claims in which the Veteran may be entitled) on a no-obligation basis and without any fees being paid to MRHFM. Because of ethical obligations, we cannot file the claims when the Veteran is already represented by a lawyer for their mesothelioma claims. We feel that it is important that we provide this service to our Veterans.

Almost 30% of all people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma are Veterans of the U.S. Military.
What Happens After MRHFM Files a Claim?
After MRHFM helps establish a service connection and the correct paperwork is filed, the VA will assign a disability rating between 10% and 100% staggered in multiples of 10%. We typically are able to show that Navy Veterans with mesothelioma are entitled to a 100% disability. As of January 2022, a Veteran with 100% disability rating can receive $3,332.06 per month. If that same Veteran has a spouse, the amount is $3,517.84 per month.
Contact Chris McKean & our VA Support Department
To get started, contact MRHFM and we can help complete a VA Form 21-526EZ. We will discuss your case with you and start gathering the required information needed to file a claim. We have multiple attorneys who are accredited with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and that can assist in filing a claim.
Why File a VA Disability Claim through MRHFM?
Here are some of the claims that can be filed by Veterans:
Frequently Asked Questions about benefits for U.S. Veterans with mesothelioma.
What if I was not in one of the four major branches?A Veteran is a person who served in the armed forces of the United States. In addition the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines this also includes the Coast Guard, the Army Corp of Engineers, and Merchant Marines during WWII. There are several other categories of service that are considered for certain benefits. Members of the National Guard or the Reserves are NOT considered Veterans unless they were called to active duty.
What if I did not serve during wartime?Wartime service dates are designated by Congress. A Veteran need not serve in a combat zone to qualify, but only during wartime.
What if I was not honorably discharged?While there are several types of military discharge, a Veteran must have a discharge other than dishonorable to be eligible for benefits.
What is aid and attendance?Aid and attendance is a monetary benefit for a claimant who is helpless or so nearly helpless as to require the regular aid and attendance of another person.
What is housebound?By reason of disabilities, the Veteran is substantially confined to his or her dwelling and the immediate premises and is reasonably certain the confinement will continue throughout his or her lifetime.
Please contact us or complete the form above if you would like more information about this free, no obligation service or about how you can get compensation because you or a loved one has mesothelioma.